The COVID-19 pandemic has presented challenges for all of us. Some parents are staying home with their children 24/7, preparing for a new school year of online learning, homeschool, or re-entering the world of face-to-face study. Some are juggling these responsibilities with working from home, muting their Zoom meetings while they soothe testy toddlers. Some parents are loving this chance to bond with their kids, but some are overwhelmed too — and that’s okay!
Some parents are sacrificing time with their children to work on the frontlines in grocery stores, hospitals, and pharmacies. Some parents have made the tough decision to have their kids stay with family members or friends because their work makes them vulnerable to exposure. Some parents spend their days looking forward to a Facetime call, a bedtime story over Skype, or a kids’ movie on Netflix watch party.
No matter what family challenges you’re facing in this complicated time, the OMG Law Firm team wants you to know that we see you, we care, and we’re here for you.
Here are some of the ways the OMG Law Firm team is helping families during the coronavirus pandemic:
1. Co-parenting guidance
Are you finding it difficult to stick to your parenting plan with the stay-at-home orders? If you and your ex are struggling to work together, OMG Law Firm can help you find the best course of action.
Generally, the risk of a child getting COVID-19 is not a valid excuse to deny visitation. However, there are expectations to this general rule, such as a positive test or quarantine.
2. Divorce
When the world seems to be turned upside down, it’s natural to take stock of your life and assess your happiness. For many people in unhappy marriages, the pandemic has triggered realizations that a divorce may be your best path forward. If you are in this situation, The OMG Law team can help you move forward towards your independence.
Many people choose to wait until after the holidays and later regret not starting the divorce timeline sooner.
3. Abuse
Are you and your children quarantined with an abusive partner/parent? Unfortunately, domestic violence has spiked as people are spending more time together at home. No one should ever tolerate physical abuse by a partner; especially if children are involved. You are not alone! We can help you gain legal protections in this frightening time.
No matter what family law situation you are facing, we are here to help you. We have extensive knowledge and experience in cases of divorce, child custody, support, and so much more. Contact us to discuss your situation.