If you are reading this blog, there’s a good chance that you are looking into hiring a creditor attorney. While many people dread hiring a lawyer and think that doing so heralds complications, you can look forward to working with the OMG Law Firm. We believe that a lawyer’s job is to cut through complex tangles and drive aggressively toward fairs conclusions.
In our last blog about creditor attorneys, we discussed some of the reasons why you should use a creditor attorney. In this blog, we will empower you to select the best lawyer by giving you powerful questions to ask him or her.
What is your license status for practicing in this state?
- If a lawyer cannot answer this most basic question with clear, updated information, it’s time to move on to someone else.
What are your firm’s hourly rates?
- Don’t forget to ask about both the lawyer’s rates and the other staff that may be involved. Comparing the prices for various firms can be very insightful.
What experience do you have that will help you solve my case?
- In the best case scenario, the lawyer you choose will have experience collecting debts successfully. If the lawyer has dealt with businesses like yours, even better!
We invite you to visit the OMG Law Firm and ask us all of these questions. We are one of the most highly-qualified law firms in Arkansas, and we are eager to take up your cause. Give us a call today to learn more.